rb March 16, 2014
**** SOLD****
Rumba Des Girards – Shetland Pony
For Sale pure bred Shetland Pony .
Rumba des Girards by Leo of Wilverley (GB) & Ode des Girards by Emir des Girards. Mare Grey 2005 1m02, presented in-hand and ridden with excellent results. Very kind and easy going. Participated at Europoneys with very small rider. Half-Sister to Robin des Girards.
visible Fontainebleau (77) Prix €1500 + VAT.
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Contact Nicky Beck
+33 (0) 160550712
+33 (0) 603330262
Tags: a vendre poney shetland, Elevage de poneys Shetland, Fontainebleau, moret sur loing, poney shetland, rumba des Girards, Seine et Marne, Shetland Pony Breeding France, Shetland Pony For sale, sud 77
nb April 5, 2010

Gedeon in the new Catimini Catalogue
Gedeon is a model in the new Catimini Catelogue
Tags: elevage shetland, Fontainebleau, Haras des Pommiers, poney shetland, shetland girards, shetland pony
nb August 22, 2009
Our first foal “Violette des Pommiers” by Madame des Girards was born today 22nd August. Violette is a gorgeous little filly foal, with a very independant character.
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Tags: madame des Girards poulain, poney shetland, poulain shetland, shetland breeding france, shetland foal, shetland madame, shetland pony france